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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 938  Bryant: A New Style Newspaper Publisher

Vocabulary Story 938 Bryant: A New Style Newspaper Publisher

1 Vocabulary Story 938 Bryant: A New Style Newspaper Publisher . Bryant was a newspaper publisher. He eschewed the sensational and set up the antithesis, endeavoring to transcribe the truth. This was a tonic to the NYC news scene and catapulted him to eminence. People tried to emulated him and patronized his paper The World. Bryant gloated. His articles about malnutrition in NYC slums won him awards. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 938 Bryant: A New Style Newspaper Publisher . Bryant was a newspaper publisher. He avoided the sensational and set up the opposite, trying to write down the truth. This was a pick-me-up to the NYC news scene and boosted him to fame. People tried to copy him and read his paper The World. Bryant bragged. His articles about poor nutrition in NYC slums won him awards. .
Vocabulary Story 943  The Old Movie Palaces

Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces

1 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces . People feel plaintive for the dissolution of the old movie palaces. You did not have to badger people to go; they tractably went voluntarily several times a week. They were vexed if movies were truncated. The double feature was a dogmatic element. The coming of cable dispelled many movie viewing traditions. It was a real coup. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces . People feel wistful for the disappearance of the old movie palaces. You did not have to nag people to go; they obediently went by free will several times a week. They were cross if movies were shortened. The double feature was a dyed in the wool element. The coming of cable changed many movie viewing traditions. It was a real revolution. . .
Vocabulary Story 947  Removing Louis the 16th Didn't Help

Vocabulary Story 947 Removing Louis the 16th Didn't Help

1 Vocabulary Story 947 Removing Louis the 16th Didn’t Help . The opposition to Louis the 16th prepossessed the public. They saw his abdication as a panacea for their problems. He had faced a steady critique. Now he was paraded out and people ogled at the stout carcinogenic wretch. But it was not the salvation advertised adduced by the usurptation of power by a dictatorship soon afterward. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 947 Removing Louis the 16th Didn’t Help . The opposition to Louis the 16th preoccupied the public. They saw his resignation as a cure all for their problems. He had faced a steady negative press. Now he was paraded out and people gawked at the stout cancerous despised man. But it was not the salvation advertised shown by the power grab by a dictatorship soon afterward. . .
Vocabulary Story 833  Early Boston Excluded Indians

Vocabulary Story 833 Early Boston Excluded Indians

1 Vocabulary Story 833 Early Boston Excluded Indians . Early Boston was autocratic and sectarian. Leaders only wished for what they felt was equanimity free of gadflies. This prompted rampant persecution and exclusions of the extrinsic. This had repercussions for the colony. Later more enlightened leaders gave amnesty to the Indians and sought to include them in the society and industry. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 833 Early Boston Excluded Indians . Early Boston was a dictatorial and narrow minded. Leaders only wished for what they felt was calmness free of intrusion. This caused uncontrolled witch hunts and bars of the foreign. This had bad consequences for the colony. Later more enlightened leaders gave pardon to the Indians and sought to include them in the society and industry.
Vocabulary Story 866  Hero Priest Of World War Two Germany    Power Point

Vocabulary Story 866 Hero Priest Of World War Two Germany Power Point

Here is a story made from ten vocabulary words. I give a list of the ten words with definitions. I provide my story with a paraphrase into simpler words. I also give an illustration. The story is true about a priest in Nazi Germany. This priest has been beatified by the Church, a step to being made a saint. If you would, buy and review this story to encourage more and better stories.
Vocabulary Story 863   Nuclear Shelters   Power Point Version

Vocabulary Story 863 Nuclear Shelters Power Point Version

Here is a story about the nuclear shelter system in New York City. You are given ten words to write your story. You see how I wrote the story. I provide a paraphrase of the story and an illustration. The purpose of this exercise is to use vocabulary words in a story creatively.
Vocabulary Story 860  Splendor on 5th Avenue New York

Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York

1 Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York . Many rich New York families boasted noble lineages. One was Rockefeller, a paradigm amongst them, living in ostentatious splendor on 5th avenue. There was a nomenclature of euphemisms to provide acceptable terms to describe his unpleasant hoarding and greed. His staff had fidelity to him, covering up for his calumny and wrong doing. Even though they were the antipodal of him, living in penury and modesty in comparison to him. . 2 Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York . Many rich New York families boasted noble ancestries. One was Rockefeller, a perfect example amongst them, living in showy splendor on 5th avenue. There was a set of replacement words to provide acceptable terms to describe his unpleasant hoarding and greed. His staff had loyalty to him, covering up for his lies and wrong doing. Even though they were the opposite of him, living in poverty and modesty in comparison to him.
Vocabulary Story 884   You have to Maintain a Car

Vocabulary Story 884 You have to Maintain a Car

1 Vocabulary Story 884 You have to Maintain a Car . The Cadillac was the preeminent car in the 1950’s. However willful deleterious neglect could put it into disarray. Even stationary parts are integral to keeping it running well. Palpable changes show up if not maintained. A thoughtless disposition is no alibi. Laws passed for inspections and now you have to adduce a sticker as proof. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 884 You have to Maintain a Car . The Cadillac was the top car in the 1950’s. However willful ruinous inattention could put it into disorder. Even nonmoving parts are involved in keeping it running well. Feelable changes show up if not maintained. A thoughtless attitude is no excuse. Laws passed for inspections and now you have to show a sticker as proof. . .
Vocabulary Story 893  Show Business in New York City

Vocabulary Story 893 Show Business in New York City

1 Vocabulary Story 893 Show Business in New York City . Being from NYC, you get jazzy by osmosis. Minskies in Manhattan was the capitol of striptease. This is an exorbitant form of entertainment, catering to the tawdry and prurient. Demure young girls came to its postern door to banter with the performers and became proteges. Since those days, the culture has thankfully changed for the better. Minskies became insolvent and closed for good. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 893 Show Business in New York City . Being from NYC, you get naturally get a false sophistication. Minskies in Manhattan was the headquarters of striptease. This is an over the top form of entertainment, catering to the cheap and sexy. Polite shy young girls came to its back door to chat with the performers and became disciples. Since those days, the culture has thankfully changed for the better. Minskies became bankrupt and closed for good. .
Vocabulary Story   The Night of the Living Dead       Non Power Point Version

Vocabulary Story The Night of the Living Dead Non Power Point Version

1 Vocabulary Story The Night of the Living Dead . The Night of the Living Dead is a horror movie. Evil insurgents become adjuncts to zombies. These reanimated corpses from cemeteries depredate and forage for flesh; it amounted to genocide as the zombies stumble across the hinterlands with sharp teeth. The good living people surmise the chicanery of the rebels. The zombies are hunted and defeated. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 881 The Night of the Living Dead . The Night of the Living Dead is a horror movie. Evil rebels become helpers to zombies. These revived corpses from cemeteries rob and look for flesh; it amounts to a great slaughter as the zombies stumble across the cities and hinterlands with sharp teeth. The good living people figure out the evil plan of the rebels. The zombies are hunted and defeated. . .
Vocabulary Story 890  Hitler's Evil Strategy

Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler's Evil Strategy

1 Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler’s Evil Strategy . Hitler’s haughty rhetoric rationalized apportioning rights to indigenous Germans and those compatible to his racial ideas. The Nazis starkly followed racial purity ideas, apportioning food and social advancement. They even meted out medical care, treating ariens lesions before others. . . . g . 2 Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler’s Evil Strategy . Hitler’s arrogant speeches gave reasons for giving rights to native Germans and those suitable to his racial ideas. The Nazis strictly followed racial purity ideas, rationing food and social advancement. They even handed out medical care, treating arien injuries before others. . .
Vocabulary Story 887  The High Point of the Confederacy

Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy

1 Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy . Gettysburg is the acme of the Confederate advance into the Union. Lee was cantankerous, his quandary was a lack of supplies. He became sanguine when a courier was intercepted. He decided to attack into Pennsylvania. A line of Confederates emanated across a field en masse met by Union Canon. The brevity of this charge was amazing. After the battle, the carrion covered battlefield was left derelict. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy . Gettysburg is the highpoint of the Confederate advance into the Union. Lee was distressed, his problem was a lack of supplies. He became hopeful when a messenger was captured. He decided to attack into Pennsylvania. A line of Confederates came across a field all together met by Union Canon. The briefness of this charge was amazing. After the battle, the body covered battlefield was left as is. .
Vocabulary Story 903  Why People Stayed Around Vesuvius before the Eruption

Vocabulary Story 903 Why People Stayed Around Vesuvius before the Eruption

1 Vocabulary Story 903 Why People Stayed Around Vesuvius before the Eruption . The conditions around Mount Vesuvius in 79AD were ambiguous. The land was rich, supporting a great modus vivendi with a limpid skies. This inspired confidence, despite earthquakes. People toiled on the slopes, garnering in fat juicy grapes. People felt empowered to build right up to the edge of the sleeping volcano. It was a heinous, flagrant, reckless thing to do in hindsight. The eruption sent ash all the way into the hinterlands. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 903 Why People Stayed Around Vesuvius before the Eruption . The conditions around Mount Vesuvius in 79AD were contradictory. The land was rich, supporting a great lifestyle with a clear skies. This created confidence, in spite of earthquakes. People worked on the slopes, taking in fat juicy grapes. People felt able to build right up to the edge of the sleeping volcano. It was a hateful, openly bad, fool hardy thing to do in retrospect. The eruption sent ash all the way into the countryside. .
Vocabulary Story 926  The Problems of Youth

Vocabulary Story 926 The Problems of Youth

1 Vocabulary Story 926 The Problems of Youth . It’s an inalienable part of youth to be susceptible to bad ways. Plucky youths go on nocturnal sprees giving baubles and booze. It’s an anathema. It’s also a seasonal thing according to arrest records. Pastors preach in stark prose to ameliorate the sad situation. . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 926 The Problems of Youth . It’s an irremovable part of youth to be vulnerable to bad ways. Spirited youths go on nightly jaunts giving trinkets and alcohol. It’s also more prevalent during certain times of year according to arrest records. It’s a hateful thing. Pastors preach in clear unadorned speech to improve the sad situation. . .
Vocabulary Story 917  Gladiator's Tricks

Vocabulary Story 917 Gladiator's Tricks

1 Vocabulary Story 917 Gladiator’s Tricks . I wrote a thesis about gladiators in the hippodrome. Success for new aspirants seems arbitrary. Opportunists cut their opponents appendages when they were not ready. While this was considered corrupt and got demerits, the bad image usually quickly dissipated and the gladiator rose in rank. Beaten submissive fighters were sparred if it would add interest to the games. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 917 Gladiator’s Tricks . I wrote a study about gladiators in the arena. Success for new hopefuls seems random. The unscrupulous cut their opponents limbs when they were not ready. While this was considered bad and got penalties, the bad image usually quickly was forgotten and the gladiator rose in rank. Beaten surrendering fighters were sparred if it would add interest to the games. .
Vocabulary Story 914   Civil War Doctor Tries to Cope

Vocabulary Story 914 Civil War Doctor Tries to Cope

1 Vocabulary Story 914 Civil War Doctor Tries to Cope . A plucky pedant doctor was sent to Civil War hospitals to palliate suffering. He saw vituperation as patients wavered and writhed as their limbs were amputated. He was empowered to lessen things that exacerbated the situation and stop the ineffectual. He prayed and abstained to get strength to carry on. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 914 Civil War Doctor Tries to Cope . A courageous scholarly doctor was sent to Civil War hospitals to relieve suffering. He saw cursing as patients shook and twisted as their limbs were cut off. He was given authority to lessen things that worsened the situation and stop the useless. He prayed and fasted to get strength to carry on. . .
Vocabulary Story 908  Roman Cities Fall to the Natives

Vocabulary Story 908 Roman Cities Fall to the Natives

1 Vocabulary Story 908 Roman Cities Fall to the Natives . The weakness of Roman cities in North Africa spawned arrant raids by desert tribes, bolstered by dromedary camels. They were able to breach city walls and botch the vital grain shipments to Rome. Missionaries tried to allay the raider’s wrath to amend their ways. One saint was martyred his wan body brought back to the basilica with dirges. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 908 Roman Cities Fall to the Natives . The weakness of Roman cities in North Africa caused opened raids by desert tribes, complemented by one hump camels. They were able to penetrate city walls and ruin the vital grain shipments to Rome. Missionaries tried to calm the raider’s wrath to change their ways. One saint was martyred his pale body brought back to the basilica with sad songs. .
Vocabulary Story 899  The Inventor of Radio Edmund H. Armstrong

Vocabulary Story 899 The Inventor of Radio Edmund H. Armstrong

1 Vocabulary Story 899 The Inventor of Radio Edmund H. Armstrong . Edmund H. Armstrong made radio possible 100 years ago. His genius and autonomy is an incredible story. The ramparts of academia parried novel ideas with a tedium of innumerable wrong ideas about waves. It was more than a peccadillo. Armstrong took a condensed wave and fluctuated it into a medley of wavelengths. The first radio stations started broadcasting shortly afterwards. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 899 The Inventor of Radio Edmund H. Armstrong . Edmund H. Armstrong made radio possible 100 years ago. His genius and independence is an incredible story. The ivy covered walls of academia rejected novel ideas with a wearisome repetition of wrong ideas about waves. It was more than a small fault. Armstrong took a concentrated wave and varied it into a mixture of wavelengths. The first radio stations started broadcasting shortly afterwards. .
Vocabulary Story 906  John Smith Lives with the Indians

Vocabulary Story 906 John Smith Lives with the Indians

1 Vocabulary Story 906 John Smith Goes Native The hierarchy of Jamestown sent John Smith out to look for food. They considered him upright and had optimism of his success. They were starving. He was captured by malignant Indians. It’s not a hyperbole to say he saw a flashback of his whole life as he was about to die, adrenaline pumping. He was saved by the incidental intervention of Pocahontas, the Indian’s princess who liked him. He taught her English vocabulary and syntax. He became like an Indian so much that his allegiance was questioned when he returned to the colony. 2 Vocabulary Story 906 John Smith Goes Native . The leaders of Jamestown sent John Smith out to look for food. They considered him honest and had hope of his success. They were starving. He was captured by hostile Indians. It’s not an exaggeration to say he saw his whole life flash before him as he was about to die, hormones pumping. He was saved by the chance rescue by Pocahontas, the Indian’s princess who liked him. He taught her English vocabulary and word order. He became like an Indian so much that his loyalty was questioned when he returned to the colony.